Tales from the Academy. volume 1

In order to pass the self-defense portion of our training, one of the tests recruit officers have to endure in the academy is called the fist suit. A fist suit, also known as a redman suit, is a set of full-body protective gear that keeps one's sparring partner from getting injured. Basically, after weeks of training us, our self defense instructors put on the fist suit and fought each recuit officer for three minutes to see what we'd learned.

All I can say is that the suits provide for a much fuller range of motion than one would first suspect. That, mixed with the fact that our instructors are some of the best fighters in the entire department, we pretty much got the skubalon beaten out of us for three minutes.

The point of this training experience was to test our proficiancy with a baton. While the instructors had head-to-toe body armor, we had a mouth piece, a cup, and a foam baton that achieves roughly the same effect in a fight as a soggy churro. Now, you may be wondering, if the instructors have full body protection, why were we armed only with foam batons? I wondered the same thing.

It's okay, I blocked his punch with my head.
Labels: police

LOL... I'm sorry Pec. Good story. I especially appreciate the gentleman checking his watch while you get clocked. (hmmm...13 seconds not bad Johnson.)
Man, just be thankful the anti-war anarchist peace protesters down near UCLA don't wear those body suits, you guys would have no chance rounding them up.
That is exactly the same suit I wear to work each day.
Wife: How was your day?
Officer: Great, I got to wear armor and beat the stuffing out of all the new recruits!
Wife: What a coincidence - I made stuffing to go with turkey for supper this evening.
Avast! What an amazing coincidence, during my first voyage as a captain on the high seas my mutinous crew left me stranded on an island with nothing but a mouth piece, a cup, and a soggy churro. Leaving me with these items was their grave mistake. You would be surprised with what you can accomplish with a cup and a churro, without them I would never have gotten off of that island. To this day my pirate flag is not adorned with the common skull and crossbones-- instead my emblem bears the image of the cup and churro I used to make my escape.
You're now on my bad list by proxy. I got a ticket yesterday from the Dallas equivalent of Barney Fife. He gave me a ticket for an expired registration even though my registration wasn't expired, I just hadn't put the new sticker on yet.
The judge at the courthouse explained that if my registration _had_ been expired he would have been able to waive the fine, but since it wasn't, he had to take my money. To fight it would have cost more than the fine.
So the way I see it, some policeman somewhere owes me $100. You know my address; a personal check will be fine.
The only thing I want to know is this: was that the girl instructor blocking your head-butt with her fist?
That's beautiful. "Look mom: they taught us how to kick perp @$$ today at police school. Watch me school Jed with my foam baton ... "
You really are the only one who makes me laugh like this, P-Dog. I missed your blog.
Is that the flying eagle technique in picture three?
You should have told him that you watched back episodes of "Xena, Warrior Princess" before class, followed by your brandishing of two sais.
Oops. Scrap that idea. Probably illegal under California law. Even rubber ones. (smile)
Seriously, due to my radio background I got to be friends with many police officers over the years. One of my neighbors is a local sheriff's deputy (and he loves John MacArthur's material BTW) and he has shared with me how rigorous the training regimen can be. I certainly couldn't handle it.
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