Pecadillo: the triumphant return

The purpose of this blog is very simple; there is none. My goal is to generate a blog that is so arbitrary, so random that it will eliminate any chance of regular readership, thus, allowing me to continue to be lazy with my posts.
Oh yeah.
The Star Spangled Banner always does bring a tear to my eye.
The peeing in my pants on the other hand is new.
Is baldness required?
Chris, we both know that's just not true.
I think it's wrong that the women didn't have to shave their heads. Sexist in the extreme.
You'll never win an argument with a woman on who does the most inconveniencing shaving, Frank.
Congrats man. I hope you enjoy your career and quit looking like a chemo patient.
As I mentioned in a post today at my blog Hip and Thigh I just ask that you banish the word "chief" from your vocabular now so you will not be using it when you are pulling over the motorists. You know, "So what's the hurry there, chief?" or "Did you see that stop light back there, chief?" And saying "chief" while wearing those mirrored sunglasses only makes the person hate you more.
On the contrary, Fred. The thing is to increase your use of the word "chief" by at least 50-fold--possibly even to the point of replacing all nouns with it. Everyone knows that repeating a word more and more often makes it less irritating (never hear anyone complaining about "the").
Freddy, I understand your argument but I must strongly disagree. With the gun and badge comes a license to abuse clichés.
Not only will I utilize "Chief", I plan on adding "Amigo", "Sport," and "Bucko" to my everyday vocabulary. Who knows, maybe I'll grow a Nascar mustache and wear a fanny pack everywhere I go. So many options...
I'd be careful with "amigo". Unless you can dance with La Raza, I'd try not to infuriate the "locals" because you only have 8 shots until you have to reload.
And your trading post is the cheap "one design per junk type" CafePress store. Very chintzy. I just hope your Dad doesn;t hate me now that he knows how much he overpaid for all those black Ts he bought from the TeamPyro store.
And where's C-crest? You stopped blogging and he disappeared.
And where's C-crest? You stopped blogging and he disappeared.
(Fred) that is because their the same person. Pec made him up as an alternate ego when he started blogging. Sort of like a foil. Now that he is back on the web, I am sure C-Train will wander back in, along with Muffin.
Oh, by the way, I plan on picking up a mug sometime soon, though they look sort of plain. I personally would like to get one of those sweet blue colored mugs with a big picture of your face on it with your banner on the back like you have at the top of your blog roll; But I bet those those are like a 100 dollars.
Hey Frank, more like sixteen shots before my first reload, and for the record, I'll dance with La Raza anytime.
16 shots, and you can't update your blog in 5 days? I thought you had, like, a backlog of anecdotes and ribald palaver from months of fighting with other cadets over one chicken and 6 matches or whatever it is you havebeen dooing.
yeah, I'm not impressed.
I'm about to post that e-mail I sent you about Jessica Simpson just so something funny will happen on your blog. It's like a vacant used car lot around here.
yeah, for those of you who don't know, Pec's car got busted into while he was in cadet training, and he was carless for a while. He may still be carless -- I never got an update on that.
Anyway, he was wroking his britches off getting up at like Oh-Dark-hundred in order to make it to boot camp on time, and he is suddenly with no vehicle, and I thought he needed a little pick-me-up.
So I was reading Yahoo! entertainment news, and it turns out that the day Pec's car got wrecked is the day that Nick and Jessica broke up. So I sent this e-mail:
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 14:14:40 -0800 (PST)
From: "Frank Turk" []
Subject: Jessica Simpson
She's Christian, she's hot, she's living in Encino with her folks,and ... she's about to be single!
Dude, she's dying for a real man like you! All you have to do is drive down there and ...
... oh shoot. Dude. Sorry about that ...
... where's c-Crest's e-mail addy ... ?
I was cryin' when I sent it. It was too good. I hope you enoyed it, too.
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What's the deal with everyone double-posting to your blog?
Is that the cool thing to do now and nobody told me?
GEEZ. I'm always the last to find out about everything
Dude, Jessica is not single! She was over at my house the other day giving me a massage while I had Nick in the back cookin me up some steak.
Apparently the media is a bit slow.
welcome back Pec.
and come on every body knows it cool to pee in your paints. Matter of fact you can call me Miles Davis.
You''ll probably be pulling me over sometime soon with my driving habits. Maybe if I bat my lashes you''ll let me off with a warning and a phone number...
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